Auxliary Equipment


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Machine designed to evenly extract flour and other products with low flowing capabilities.

Materie prime

DurumMaizeOatRiceSoft wheat


The vibration carried out by a motor-driven vibrator causes the outflow of the raw materials from storage bins. Product moves to the dedicated cone, placed at the center of the extractor and it goes down a peripheric circular opening, towards the exit. This efficient design guarantees a uniform extractor for flour and other products, even those with low flowing capabilities.

The machine has a sturdy structure in painted steel, dedicated for food contact. Every part of the extractor is dimensioned in such way to withstand the high pressure on the bottom of the storage bins.

Vibrating part suspended with anti-vibration rubber parts, which are the only parts that need maintenance.


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Our specialized consultants are available for a no-commitment meeting in which to listen to your needs and evaluate the technologies best suited for your production objectives.